Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Words of Faith Doctrine.

"We have the power to speak things into existence" or "Positive Confessions"
"Name it and claim it by faith" or "Blab it Grab it"

These are popular phrases used by many Christians who desire for God to move on their behalf. In this article I will use Biblical passages to further examine the Word of Faith Doctrine in attempt to expose it for what it truly is...New Age Mysticism that has nothing to do with God or the Bible.

First I implore you to ask this question;
If God is Sovereign then how can we say he needs OUR permission to move? Word of faith implies that God cannot move unless we speak some magical words that will pull strings...

Romans 9: 15-16 "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion"

It does not depend on MAN's Effort, But GOD'S mercy and grace!He is not our personal Genie.

Romans 4:16 "Therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace..."


Kenneth Haggin,E.W.Kenyon and Phineas Parkhurst

Kenneth Haggin was considered to be the founder of the Word of Faith Movement but he was influenced by a man name Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866).Phineas laid the foundations and was a Metaphysical Christian who inspired E.W. Kenyon who in return inspired Kenneth Haggin. E.W.Kenyon studied Mysticism and mingled Mystic and New Age theologies with Christian teachings.

NEW AGE, MYSTICISMS(Affirmation Prayers and relation to Confession of Faith)

Affirmations in New Age and New Thought terminology refers primarily to the practice of positive thinking—fostering a belief that "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything."[1] More specifically an affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one's self and written down frequently. For an affirmation to be effective, it needs to be present tense, positive, personal and specific. -Wikipedia

Affirmative prayer is a form of prayer or a metaphysical technique that is focused on a positive outcome rather than a negative situation. For example, a person who is experiencing some form of illness would focus the prayer on the desired state of perfect health and affirm this desired intention "as if already happened" rather than identifying the illness and then asking God for help to eliminate it.

Here we can see that New Age and Mystics intermingled these "Affirmation" theology with Christian teachings, distorting God's words. Kenneth Haggin, E.W. Kenyon implemented these false satanic doctrine into Christianity and now we have people quoting scriptures out of context to "speak things into existence"

Word of faith gives the impression that man hold the power hence men are Gods. Although we are created in God's image and he gave us power over the Earth, there are no scriptures that state we are given power to usurp over God's will, and if it is NOT in his will, he will NOT perform it. You are not gods over God.

Isiah 43:10 "Before me no god was formed, nor will there be after me"

All these extra, additional formulas and special "mantras" to get favor from God to receive things is ridiculous and wrong. Those who do such things are plainly working in a spirit of unbelief.

Luke 12:30
"seek ye not what ye shall eat or drink, neither be ye doubtful of mind"

So if your seeking God for earthly needs when he has already provided us (which he has from birth)we are working in unbelief;

Luke 12: 28 "If Then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and tomorrow is cast into the oven; HOW much MORE will he clothe you, O YE OF LITTLE FAITH?

So in actuality "professing" speaking out confessions of faith for such things are signs of unbelief and distrust or even a sign of being UNGRATEFUL.


Hebrews 11

Vers 1;
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"


Faith IS things hoped for(we put our hope in things we cant see, Spiritual things) the evidence of things not seen (hope is the evidence of things that do exist BUT we CANT see, like Jesus). No where in this verse is there any indication of having faith for whatever man wants which is usually material, temporal, earthly wants. If you can see it (material things of this earth) then you cant have faith in it or hope for it. Last I check you can see a car, house, money etc. This scriptures is not speaking about obtaining material things but having faith in God whom we cant see (with our physical eyes) and believing that He is with us (even though we cant see him), NOTHING MORE THAN THAT! Verse 3 clearly explains this;

Hebrews 11:3

"Through Faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the WORD (which was unseen) of God, so that things which are seen( material things,earthly things) were NOT made of things which do appear (not made by things you can see, touch and feel)."

God is the reward you receive with faith. Faith is always with us because Jesus is our faith, we just have to trust and be fully persuaded IN our faith.

With further reading and studying of Hebrews 11 it would be clear that people now having faith for earthly temporal things are using text out of context.The individuals quoted in Hebrews 11 were NOT promised earthly goods and gains. And if God was obligated to give us what we say he promised us...then why did those quoted died NOT receiving the promises? Hebrews 11:13. yet they died IN Faith?


Many use this formula when seeking to possess things such as a job,financial blessings, cars, house, husband or wife or to get over sickness etc.

what does it mean to claim?
To Claim
1. A demand for something as rightful or due.
2. A basis for demanding something; a title or right.
3. To take in a violent manner as if by right
4. To assert one's right to or ownership of.

Now having these definition in mind...does this sound like a respectful way to approach God our creator? Demanding from him, asserting our rights to something from him, take by violence?

First of all, Who are we to tell God he is obligated to give us what we feel is rightfully ours? And if God Has already promised, then why do we need to make such statements? It would be sensible to rationalize that if God has it, then no one else can take it from him and if we do not have it in our possession at the time of making "claims", then its safe to say we don't deserve it. Again God is not obligated to give us ANYTHING, no matter if we rant on like spoil children. Again if God has it for us what is the point of "speaking out words of faith" this makes absolutely no sense!When ever HE feels fit, He will grant it to us...on HIS TERMS. So we can "name and claim" until we turn blue.

Secondly you cannot claim something that is already in your possession, so if you believe its yours already why make professions?If its not yours God is not going to be your partner in Crime and steal some one's possessions and give it to you. "Demanding" from God is stating that we don't trust that he will FREELY grant it.


If one is sick and claim healing but does not heal, then it is said their faith was not strong enough or they didn't believe enough.This is False.Just because you want to be healed or see some one healed does not mean it is God's will for them to heal! We cant manipulate His Will with some "profession of faith" formula. Also remember your body is also Temporal , it will perish but the spirit is what God is most concerned about. 2 Corinthians 4:16 "For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day"

"Name it claim it" IS NOT IN THE BIBLE.Its simply using scriptures out of context.

Romans 8:26 "for we know not what we should pray for as we ought"

And because of this we need to operate in the Spirit which is there to GUIDE and TEACH. Jesus laid out a prayer for us (Mathew 6:9-15) and no where in that prayer is there any request to be made for financial blessings,and other earthly, material things that God gave us hands to work for on this earth.

Its because we are working out of our flesh, we want what we want and use God as our servant. But we are His servants!

Other Scriptures that require further study...

Romans 4: 17 "...calleth those things which be not as though they were."
some love to quote this scripture as well to justify "name it claim"
again, misinterpretation and using scriptures out of context.
Study the full text and pray for understanding. And even then, realize this simple fact...this very scripture has NOTHING to do with getting what you want in the natural.

Psalms 37:4 "...and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart..."
Before we come to christ we have worldly desires. So after Christ we desire spiritual things or should desire spiritual things such as peace, wisdom, understanding etc.
So again nothing to do with God being obligated to give us our carnal, self centered desires.

God is more focused on supplying us with spiritual/eternal resources and blessings not material/temporal. Satan blesses with worldly things
Mathew 4:1-11

I think we are getting the two confused.

Be not wise in your own conceit

"Word of Faith" Indoctrination at its WORSE...


Friday, July 8, 2011

Indoctrinated Christians

What does it mean to be a Christian?

This is a question we as believers must ask ourselves and when formulating an answer, it should be inline with what the word of God describes a christian. We cannot define Christianity with our personal opinions and ideas of how WE should live OUR lives because we are NOT our own. Being a christian is complete submission to God and his laws outlined in True Biblical doctrine.This is what sets us apart from the world.

Romans 12:2 "Be not Conformed to this world:BUT be ye Transformed by the renewing of your MIND..."

True Christians are those that strive to be more like Christ, those that have denied themselves to follow after Jesus Christ(Mathew 16:24-26). Too many are looking to figures in media to define Christianity.Individuals such as Tyler Perry, Steve Harvey, Oprah and some famous Gospel Artists are promoting a false doctrine of mixing sacred with the profane.As a result we have compromising and misguidance and a false indoctrination with in Christiandom. With this indoctrination,Christians find themselves in debates with one another, unfortunately diverse denominations in Christianity is the result of such disagreements along with the frustration of trying to minister truth to some who refuse to accept Truth. There is an enemy in the camp.

Here,I will expose some who are cunningly and subtly redefining Christianity and reveal how so many Christians are adopting false doctrines (such as the doctrine of INCLUSION) through movies, radio and tv individuals who claim Christianity but are wolves in sheep clothing leading many astray...

Doctrine of Inclusion

simply the belief that all will make it in the kingdom of Heaven with or without Christ and making any changes to who you are. This is why we see so many mixing of world with the church in different forms of entertainments.Also mingled with this false doctrine is a satanic movement called New Age Movement

The Tyler Perry Indoctrination.

Many so called Christians are in support of this man because of his "inspirational life story" or "claim to fame". He produced stage plays in his earlier days and used talented Christians to star in these plays. His scripts were inspirational and funny, they touched many, particularly women because his stories appealed to their emotions concluding with a surge of redemption...and with a dash of muscular shirtless men flexing and women in revealing apparels he enticed lustful responses, as the world would say "sex sells". This should have been a red flag in our spirit that something is wrong. But people were already mesmerized by Tyler's talent to care about the seemingly harmless innuendos. Unknown to many, this is a form of Desensitization,meticulously crafted to slowly strip away our spiritual guards and defenses.

When our gaurd is down, we compromise, make excuses for sin and become blind to the evil associated with the themes.
Themes that appeal to our flesh by touching various aspects of our emotions are always used as tools in media to desensitize in order to indoctrinate, bringing forth acceptance of unGodliness.

1 John 4:1 "do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for MANY false prophets have gone OUT into the WORLD."

This scripture also pertain to entertainers such as Tyler Perry.Through the guise of entertainment many are being deceived into accepting false doctrine.We claim to know truth and use this as a window to allow falsehood to come in as if we are immune but in reality we are susceptible to deception.

Welcome to Holly Wood

Tyler Perry's plays eventually caught attention from big names in Hollywood aka satan's playground. And as his reputation grew we notice his work mingled more and more with secularism, even the songs used in his plays are secular songs that speak to the emotional/carnality vs spiritual. His audience or followers had grown so use to him and his style of entertainment that it really didn't mattter.But you see becoming successful in Hollywood requires denouncing the true Christ and true God.
The Bible says you cant serve two masters! And light and Darkness cannot coincide.But these so called Christians in Hollywood believe in a totally different doctrine.

Madea's Influence

Tyler's character Madea is the star of majority of his shows/movies, without this character Tyler Perry's name would have no significance.We are finding entertainment in a character that is a transvestite (woman who acts like a man and is a man in a dress), we laugh as Madea makes a mockery of scriptures, "ministers" to others in between foul language,violence,lewdness etc. Not to mention his movies are full of unGodly material such as fornication,cursing, adultery glorification of divorce etc? we label this as Christianity and ministry? Last I checked the Actors that he hires for the roles are living in sin.If the very secular actors and musicians he uses are not changed by his so called "ministry" then what do we say about those who gave their lives to Christ through his work? Were they introduced to the true Christ? or a Christ Hollywood created who will accept our carnal ways that mix sacred with profane? Did he really need to play a character to introduce man to Christ? This is absurd and hold no Biblical credibility.

If your claiming Christianity then produce true Biblical doctrine in your works that ministers TRUTH. If you want to do worldly materials then do worldly materials, do not mix the two!

Revelations 3:16 "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth"

"He is an actor, he is just acting" .

We Fail to see that many times these actors suffer from personal psychological and spiritual shortage and is in need of prayer, most of the time the spiritual influence embedded in these characters that we think are talents and gifts of actors are from demonic forces!Some Actors use this venue (acting or becoming something else)as a way to cope with an even bigger problem that they struggle with it is not always just "Acting" we need to seriously pray for this man. To get some insights on what goes on in Hollywood with Actors...see my blog "Illuminated Hollywood"

Tyler's Sexual Molestation and abuse

Tyler Perry came forth admitting to the world on Oprah, that he was a victim of sexual abuse as a child at the hands of 3 different men.And many young boys who were sexually abused seek affection from the same sex (become gay) or they become confused in their sexual orientations hence you have transgenders.There are countless homosexuals that came out of the "closet" per se and had an history of being sexually abused in their child hood.
There is a good chance that this man did not fully heal from his past ordeal, though I fully sympathize, for we all have a past,it takes time and Spiritual growth to fully recover and be delivered.Some would use other venues to heal and the Entertainment industry is full of them, they feed off the approvals of others to feel better but internally they still struggle, its worse when your constantly around that which you are trying to be delivered from.

He is a savior?

Many Christians claim that Tyler Perry's antics are bringing people to Christ as I mentioned.
But did not the Bible warns us of those who take up the claim of Christ but are not of his...
Even NOW there are MANY anti-Christs..." 1 John 2:18.

Let me say this...there are many claiming Christ but the bible clearly state that
many shall come and make claims only to deceive.Then we are told that we shall know them by their fruits. Does Tyler's movies and plays minister the True Gospel of Jesus Christ? no.

The world seem to be able to make the distinction...why cant we?

Christ describe such as Anti-Christ.Tyler Perry is leading many to a false Christ. A Christ that supports LGBT,this is the dangerous and evil workings behind the Madea Character. If we claim to love God and have his spirit within us, I find it hard to believe that we are not convicted in some way.Tyler Perry and his movies are indoctrinating alot of women and shaping their perspectives on relationships, their views of men, their role as women in an un-Biblical way.

which leads me to my next individual in the media that many of these silly women (as the bible describes them) are following...

Steve Harvey

This man would need a separate blog on all the deceptions he is currently dishing out to his christian followers.

Ever since his carnal Anti-Christ book "Think like a man act like a woman" came out Christian women has bought into his false teachings, he then became the spokes person for single women seeking answers from sources outside of God.
Steve Harvey became an over night relationship guru, appearing on "The View" and "Oprah" to impart his "wisdom" to naive women. I ask how is a man who does not know anything about being married to one woman for a life time is going to teach us anything? He is coming from a carnal and worldly perspective! Being well known to the world and famous does not give him any Authority of God to counsel any one let alone a christian woman.

Never mind his radio talk show that is nothing short of disrespectful to Christianity.This man needs to accept Jesus Christ into his life instead of claiming to know God but still remaining in sin. His methods is also a form of indoctrination, introducing the doctrine of "Inclusion".This doctrine states that God will accept any and every one no matter if they change their former ways or not, come as you are to Christ and leave as you are before you came to him...this is false doctrine!

There should be a change when you come to Christ and fully know God

2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

Many Christians support this man and listen to him because they are unlearned and have been desensitized, where in the end they will compromise. This is a spiritual mark of the Anti-Christ. This is the workings of Satan! If you were to come up to a christian and say this man is wrong and we should not support him, they would use scriptures out of context to back up this man and continue in rebelliousness. Again this behavior is a sign of accepting the anti-Christ agenda and carrying the mark!

Oprah's Doctrine

enough said about her.

The enemy is like a roaring lion walking to and fro seeking whom he may devour. In these last days as Christians we have to be on our spiritual guards, not just externally but internally. Watch what we feed our spirit and what enters our minds. Media was designed to influence, reshape and control our thoughts. No one christian is above the influence and the pride we develop in thinking we are "strong" enough to handle such one who trust in the flesh.For God himself spoke to us and instruct us to AVOID such things, TOUCH not, TURN away from.

Romans 12:3 "to every man that is among you not to think of himself highly than he ought to think, but to think SOBERLY..."

As Christians when truth comes we should submit but instead we turn our backs and choose to remain quiet and neutral.This is the day to stand, WATCH and pray and equip our selves with knowledge so we are not caught off guard and deceived.
A pastor broke down the word "Enter-tain-ment" as this; to DETAIN you for ENTRY (to DETAIN you so that a spirit can ENTER you).This is very very true.

I ask you again What does it mean to be a CHRIST-IAN?

"you are known by the company you keep"

Great Merger (Documentary of Church merging with World)


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Age Movement (Revisted)

"The Workers in the Field of Religion...[are] to formulate the universal platform of the new world religion. It is a work of loving synthesis and it will emphasize the unity and the fellowship of the spirit....The platform of the new world religion will be built by the many groups, working under the inspiration of the Christ..." Discipleship In The New Age, Vol 1, p 38, by Alice Bailey.

Alice Bailey, claimed:

"Evidence of the growth of the human intellect along the needed receptive lines [for the preparation of the New Age] can be seen in the "planning" of various nations and in the efforts of the United Nations to formulate a world plan.. From the very start of this unfoldment, three occult factors have governed the development of all these plans".Alice Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age (Lucis Press, 1955), Vol.11, p. 35.

" Within the United Nations is the germ and seed of a great international and meditating , reflective group - a group of thinking and informed men and women in whose hands lies the destiny of humanity. This is largely under the control of many fourth ray disciples, if you could but realise it, and their point of meditative focus is the intuitional or buddhic plane - the plane upon which all hierarchical activity is today to be found".

[Ibid., p. 220.]

NOTE: What is she trying to tell us? That the inner core of the United Nations is ran by people that are under the control of Lucifer.

Alice founded the publishing company. Lucifer Trust - later changed to Lucis Trust

Foster and Alice Bailey: They started a group called 'World Goodwill'-an official Non-Government Organisation within the United Nations. The stated aim of this group is "to cooperate in the world of preparation for the reappearance of the Christ"
One Earth, the magazine of the findhorn Foundation, October/November 1986, Vol. 6, Issue 6, p. 24.

"Forgetting the things that lie behind, I will strive towards my higher spiritual possibilities. I dedicate myself anew to the service of the Coming One and will do all I can to prepare men's minds and hearts for that event. I have no other life intention."Bailey, A.A. Discipleship in the New Age. Vol. 11. New York: Lucis Trust. p. 226.

NOTE: Alice Bailey wants a unified religion. And which Christ is she preparing for? Not Jesus! The cosmic Christ or Lucifer.

This is Lucifer speaking through Alice Bailey.

Suffice to say that I am a Tibetan of a certain degree, and this tell you but little, for all are disciples from the humblest aspirant up to, and beyond, the Christ himself... Those associated with me in the work of the Hierarchy... Know me by still another name and office. A.A.B. (Alice A. Bailey) Knows who I am and recognizes me by two of my names.

I am a brother of yours who has traveled a little longer on the Path than has the average student, and has therefore incurred greater responsibilities...I must therefore act as transmitter of light, no matter what the cost...My work is to teach and spread the knowledge of the Ageless Wisdom wherever I can find a response...

(Published August 1934)

"The Tibetan has asked me to make clear that when he is speaking of the Christ he is referring to His official name as head of the hierarchy. The Christ works for all men irrespective of their faith (this screams out one world religion); He does not belong to the Christian world (mmmm really?) any more than to the Buddhist or Mohammedan or any other faith. There is no need for any man to join the Christian church in order to be affiliated with Christ(oh so your saying he isnt the Biblical Christ) The requirements are to love your fellowmen, lead a disciplined life, recognise the divinity in all faiths and all beings and rule your daily life with love (good luck achieving this without Jesus Christ)."

Bailey. A.A. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. New York: Lucis Trust. p. 558.

Madam Blavatski

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society"... Madame Blavatsky ... stands out as the fountainhead of modern occult thought, and was either the originator and/or popularizer of many of the ideas and terms which have a century later been assembled within the New Age Movement. The Theosophical Society, which she cofounded, has been the major advocate of occult philosophy in the West and the single most important avenue of Eastern teaching to the West."

Gordon Melton, Jerome Clark and Aidan A. Kelly, editors, New Age Almanac, Detroit,
Michigan, Gale Research Inc., 1991, p. 16.

Quotes from her books:

"Lucifer represents.. Life.. Thought.. Progress.. Civilization.. Liberty.. Independence.. Lucifer is the Logos..the Serpent, the Savior."

The Secret Doctrine' by Helen Petrovna Blavatsky on pages 171, 225, 255, (Vol. 11)

"It is Satan who is God of our planet and the only God."

pages 215, 216, 220, 245, 255, 233, (VI)

"The Celestial Virgin( ok this lady is tripping "Celestial Virgin" their version of The Virgin Mary?) which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and terrestial Light, 'the Holy Ghost'(what?) and "Satan' at one and the same time."
page 539

Do you think it is all a big theory that these people is actively worshipping lucifer? To understand why they do you have to understand that Lucifer has a symbolic representation(s)in all they believe. He is the new age Christ (Anti Christ in true christian terms) to return.

Images of devil worship potrayed by Hollywood is far from truth. It is alot deeper than The Exorcist potrayal of possessions, it is served in the disguise as enlightenment and the devil is given an image of a saint or savior.

Well I leave you with something else to think about.

Here is some actual footage of Presidents and other political leaders taking part in ritualistic activities and performing so called "Mock sacrifices" to a God they worship name MOlech (Giant Owl) God of HUMAN SACRIFICE more specifically children sacrifices. This was recorded in the Bible and states that parents would sacrifice their children to this God.

“You shall not give any of your children to devote them by fire to Moloch, and so profane the name of your God” (Lev. 18:21).[3].

New Age Christ vs Chrsitian Biblical Christ

This article I know will help in understanding the New Age Religious Movement.

"The Christ of the New Age Movement"Part One in a Two-Part Series on New Age Christology

by Ron Rhodes

"Who do you say I am?" (Luke 9:20, NIV) The question was first asked of Peter by Christ nineteen centuries ago, and has continued since then to the present day to be the litmus test of spiritual authenticity. Perhaps never in the history of the Christian church has this question been more relevant than it is today. One reason for this is that New Agers have taken the New Testament sculpture (if you will) of Christ, crafted an esoteric/mystical chisel, and hammered away at this sculpture until a completely new image has been formed.

The new sculpture is one that fits nicely on a display shelf with sculptures of Buddha, Krishna, and other "holy men." This Christ is broad-minded and nonjudgmental. He is a "Master" among "Masters," who - with the others - is leading the human race into a New Age of enlightenment and harmony.

Fundamental to any discussion of New Age Christology is the recognition that New Agers distinguish between Jesus (a mere human vessel) and the Christ (variously defined, but always divine, and often a cosmic, impersonal entity). Part One of this series will therefore focus on the Christ of the New Age, and will provide a brief history of the various views as to his (or its) identity, his purpose, how he aims to accomplish this purpose, and his relationship to humanity. Part Two will focus on the Jesus of the New Age, and will address such issues as the "lost years" of Jesus (as described by Levi Dowling, Edgar Cayce, and others), his supposed training in Eastern/occultic concepts, his "attunement" to the Christ, and his "New Age teachings."

Regarding methodology, this article will anchor on two reference points - one primary and one secondary - from which the history of New Age Christology will be traced. The primary reference point will be Theosophy; the secondary reference point will be the teachings of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. We might liken Theosophy and Quimby's teachings to two trees which grew side by side, having been planted close to the same time (the mid to late 1800s) in the same soil, fertilized with common ingredients (nineteenth-century transcendentalism, the philosophy of Emmanuel Swedenborg, the influx of Hindu monism, etc.). Certainly, in many respects these two have distinct beliefs and different goals, but they both took root and flourished in the same mystical climate. Taken together, these represent an appropriate starting point for a study in New Age Christology.


Theosophy, founded in 1875 by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, teaches that each human being evolves through seven planes of existence (the physical plane, the astral plane, the mental plane, etc.). Each plane a person evolves through brings him or her ever closer to union with the Absolute (God). Theosophists reason that this process can take a very long time, hence requiring innumerable reincarnations.

According to "revelations" received by Blavatsky, it is not only individuals who evolve; the human race as a whole also evolves. So far there have allegedly been three races: the Lemurian, the Atlantean, and the Aryan. Each of these three (which Theosophists call "rootraces") are divided into "subraces." Mankind is now in the third rootrace - the Aryan rootrace - and is about to enter the sixth subrace of the Aryan rootrace.

Theosophy teaches that at the beginning of each subrace, the Supreme World Teacher (also known as "the Christ," the bestower of divine wisdom) enters the body of a disciple in order to assist and guide the spiritual evolution of man. Each "incarnation" reveals more to man about God than the previous one. The five incarnations of Christ in the five subraces of the Aryan rootrace were Buddha (in India), Hermes (in Egypt), Zoroaster (in Persia), Orpheus (in Greece), and Jesus (at the River Jordan, where the Christ came upon Jesus at His baptism).[1]

Jesus is said to have volunteered his body for use by the Christ. Annie Besant, who took over Theosophical leadership when Blavatsky died, said: "For Him [the Christ] was needed an earthly tabernacle, a human form, the body of a man. The man Jesus yielded himself a willing sacrifice, 'offered himself without spot' to the Lord of Love, who took unto Himself that pure form as tabernacle, and dwelt therein for three years of mortal life."[2]

Theosophists reject any suggestion that Jesus died on the cross to pay for man's sins. Man saves himself through continual reincarnations. This spiritual evolution leads men further and further away from the physical plane and closer and closer to spiritual planes of existence. Because of this process, every human being - regardless of race or religion - is a potential "Christ."

Human beings who continue to evolve through reincarnation eventually become "Masters." This is a group of formerly historical persons who have finished their earthly evolutions and voluntarily help lesser-evolved human beings to reach their level.

Because Theosophists believe the fifth subrace of the Aryan rootrace (the subrace of intellectual man) is about to give way to the sixth subrace (the subrace of spiritual man), they believe another incarnation of the Christ will soon take place. Note that since this will be the sixth appearance of the Christ in the Aryan rootrace, it is not spoken of as the "second coming."

Annie Besant first announced the coming of this Messiah in 1906. Her aim was to groom Jiddu Krishnamurti for the role of World Teacher or Messiah. In 1925 she claimed for this young Indian man the title of "Messianic Leader and Reincarnation of the World Teacher." But by 1929, Krishnamurti became convinced it was all a mistake. On November 20 of that year, he "refused to receive further adoration [saying frankly], 'I am not an actor; I refuse to wear the robes of a Messiah; so I am again free of all possessions.'"[3] Theosophy's Christ remains to appear.

Under the leadership of Annie Besant, dissension took its toll on Theosophy. The result of growing discontent within the Society was a four-pronged theological fork in the road. Theosophy continued along its traditional path (the first prong). But Rudolf Steiner broke away to form the Anthroposophical Society in 1912 (the second prong); Alice Bailey broke away to establish the Arcane School in 1923 (the third prong); and Guy and Edna Ballard broke away to lead the "I AM" movement in the 1930s (the fourth prong). Each "prong" has made an impact on New Age Christology.

The Christ of Anthroposophy

Dr. Rudolf Steiner was an active member of the Theosophical Society and headed the German charter of the group. However, when a Theosophical subgroup, the "Order of the Star of the East," began promoting Krishnamurti as the new incarnation of the Christ, Steiner threatened to expel any member of the German charter who joined the Order. Annie Besant retaliated by canceling Steiner's charter. Steiner then founded the Anthroposophical Society in 1912, and most of the German membership of Theosophy joined with him.

Steiner's emphasis represents a significant departure from his Theosophical roots. Instead of arguing for a Christ who periodically incarnates into individuals as each new "subrace" begins, Steiner's emphasis is on what the Christ accomplished through his decisive "incarnation" in the human Jesus.

Steiner's Christology is based on his investigation into the "Akashic Records." Occultists believe that the physical earth is surrounded by an immense spiritual field known as "Akasha" in which is impressed - like a celestial tape recording - every impulse of human thought, will, and emotion. It therefore constitutes a complete record of human history. Steiner claimed to be able to "read" the Akashic Records, thus enabling him to investigate human history without use of written records. Based on this, he discovered that the descent of the Christ on the human Jesus was the absolutely central event of human evolution.

In Steiner's theology, the Christ's descent on Jesus became necessary because man's consciousness had progressively become too focused on the material realm and had completely lost touch with the spiritual nature behind physical reality. The danger was that this situation could become permanent.

To prevent this, the Christ's initial goal was to "incarnate" into a human being (Jesus) so he could accomplish his greater goal of "incarnating" from Jesus into the "etheric earth." Occultists believe an etheric earth exists behind the physical earth. The etheric earth is thought to be made up of a fine energy substance from which is created the mold for every form that is manifested in the physical plane. Every material object on the physical plane has an etheric counterpart. All material forms in the physical universe find their ultimate source in this energy substance of the etheric realm. The Christ desired to enter this etheric earth so he could bring about spiritual changes among people living on the physical earth. But in order to transfer from his spiritual realm to the etheric realm, he needed a human instrument through which to work. This instrument was found in Jesus.

The Christ "incarnated" into Jesus, and three years later was crucified. At the crucifixion, the Christ left Jesus' body and "incarnated" into the etheric earth:

The blood flowed from the wounds of Jesus Christ. This blood must not be regarded simply as chemical substance, it must be recognized as something altogether unique. When it flowed from His wounds and into the earth, a substance was imparted to our earth which, in uniting with it, constituted an event of the greatest possible significance; this blood passed through a process of 'etherization'...since the Mystery of Golgotha, the etherized blood of Christ Jesus has lived in the ether of the earth. The etheric body of the earth is permeated by what the blood that flowed on Golgotha became.[4]

Because of this, "ever since the Mystery of Golgotha man lives in a spiritual environment, an environment that has been Christianized because it has absorbed the Christ impulse."[5]

Having mystically entered the etheric earth via his "etherized" blood, the Christ now seeks to "mass incarnate" into all humanity. This will lead to man's redemption. Steiner says that the "Christ impulse will penetrate humanity. He belongs to the whole earth and can enter all human souls, regardless of nation and religion."[6] This, says Steiner, is the true "second coming."

The Christ of the Arcane School

Alice Bailey had been an active member in the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society (an inner group of trusted members who faithfully practiced Theosophy). But she eventually became critical of the organization's policy that one could not become a disciple of a Master (which Bailey believed she already was) unless one was notified by Annie Besant (who seemed to have overlooked Bailey in this). This led to her dismissal from the Society, and shortly thereafter in 1923, she and her husband Foster founded the Arcane School.

Like Theosophy and Anthroposophy, Bailey believed that Jesus was a medium who allowed the Christ to use his body. But Bailey distinguished her beliefs from Anthroposophy by arguing that the "second coming" referred to the Christ coming in a single Avatar, not in all humanity.[7] According to Arcane thought, the Christ - along with his disciples, the Masters - will draw closer and closer to humanity and eventually appear on the physical plane. Bailey said this return necessitated three conditions that either have already come or are currently coming to pass: (1) catastrophic planetary conditions; (2) a spiritual awakening; and (3) a steadily mounting invocative prayer. This last condition involves use of The Great Invocation, a prayer which is intended to speed the reappearance of the Christ.

Preparation for the Second Coming is hence the responsibility of "attuned" human beings. Those who know about this Coming are to help create conditions of "spiritual alignment" which will ultimately draw the Christ forth into our midst. Without this, the Christ is impotent to act.

Bailey believed the Christ will come again in a way which will create no divisions or separations between men, either religious, social, or ideological. When he comes, it will be to establish through precept and example (in world service) the principles on which an interdependent world may create a new civilization.

While Bailey taught that the Second Coming will be in a single Avatar, she also affirmed that he will be mystically manifested in humanity: "There is a growing and developing belief that Christ is in us, as He was in the Master Jesus, and this belief will alter world affairs and mankind's entire attitude to life."[8]

The Christ of the "I AM" Movements

Guy and Edna Ballard were Theosophists up until Guy was contacted by Saint Germain, an "Ascended Master" who allegedly appeared to him in a physical body. Saint Germain informed him that he lived on Mount Teton with ninety-eight other Ascended Masters.

Saint Germain appointed Guy, Edna, and their son Donald as the only "accredited" spokespeople for the Ascended Masters. Saint Germain also taught Guy about the "Great Creative Word" (I AM). The "I AM Presence" is said to be in each person and represents a point of contact with divine reality. One can attune to the I AM Presence by chanting I AM decrees. Such chanting reportedly brings about dramatic results in the life of the one chanting.

The Ballards' Christology is distinct in that Saint Germain is considered more important (in the dawning Aquarian Age) than Jesus, and is the primary object of worship among "I AM" devotees. Jesus - himself an "Ascended Master" - allegedly said that Saint Germain is "the Greatest Blessing that has ever come to mankind."[9] The reason for this devotion to Saint Germain is that he has brought the Violet Consuming Flame: "The conscious use of the Violet Consuming Flame is the only means by which any human being can free himself or herself from his or her own human discord and imperfection."[10] The I AM presence is invoked by chanting decrees, and this in turn activates the Violet Flame. The Violent Flame then burns away undesirable conditions in one's life. Of course, this nullifies any need for Jesus' work on the cross.


Having discussed the foundation for New Age Christology in Theosophy, Anthroposophy, the Arcane School, and the "I AM" movement, this article will now examine three representative contemporary New Age leaders to illustrate how this Christology has progressed historically.

Benjamin Creme and his Arcane Roots

From 1977 to the present Benjamin Creme has traveled around the world proclaiming that the coming of Maitreya (the Christ) is imminent. Maitreya, says Creme, is the leader of the Planetary Hierarchy and has been living incognito among human beings since 1977 when his consciousness entered a specially created body of manifestation, the "Mayavirupa."

Creme originally claimed that by the end of spring 1982, Maitreya would reveal himself via worldwide television on the "Day of Declaration," after which time would begin a new era of planetary happiness. This Christ would come not as a religious, political, or social leader, but as an "educationalist" who would solve all the world's problems in these areas and usher in the New Age of love, peace, and shared wealth.

Obviously 1982 has come and gone and the Christ remains to appear. The most common explanation for the Christ's no-show is that the media prevented it. Since the media represents humanity, the media's apathy is indicative of the broader apathy of humanity. And since the Christ's manifestation cannot occur against man's wishes, his "declaration" has been delayed.

Some of Creme's ideas are noticeably similar to Theosophy. For example, he divides the world and humanity into astral, ethereal, and physical planes. He also subscribes to the idea that the Christ inhabited the body of Jesus for three years.

But despite some Theosophical overtones, his ideas are primarily a reflection of Alice Bailey's writings, particularly her book The Reappearance of the Christ. In this book are found almost everything Creme was later to propagate: the Age of Aquarius, world service, The Great Invocation, "overshadowing" (the occult means used by a Master to inhabit a human disciple's body), and "transmission groups" (enlightened groups who "transmit" spiritual energy to the minds of other people in order to raise the Christ-consciousness of the planet).[11]

Despite such similarities, there are at least three notable differences between Creme and Bailey. First, Creme is a date-setter regarding Maitreya's coming (i.e., spring 1982). Bailey was convinced the Christ would appear - and she had some idea about the general timing (sometime after 2025) - but she refused to set exact dates. She wrote: "It is not for us to set the date for the appearance of the Christ or to expect any spectacular aid or curious phenomena. If our work is rightly done, He will come at the set and appointed time."[12]

Second, Bailey used the term "Christ" to refer to a person whereas Creme uses it in reference to an office or function. The present holder of this office, says Creme, is the Lord Maitreya, who has held it now for 2,600 years. It was Maitreya who - while holding this office - manifested himself through his disciple, Jesus, by the occult method of overshadowing.

Third, Christ and Buddha are the central figures in Bailey's theology, while Maitreya is supreme in Creme's thinking. Bailey mentions Maitreya on occasion, but never as the leader of the Hierarchy, as does Creme.

Creme's following has understandably declined since 1982.

David Spangler and his Anthroposophic Roots

Like Rudolf Steiner, David Spangler understands Christ to be a cosmic spirit who utilized Jesus' body to make the transfer from His own realm (the spiritual realm) to Jesus' realm (the realm of matter).

Spangler sees the Christ as a cosmic principle: "Any old Christ will not do, not if we need to show that we have something better than the mainstream Christian traditions. It must be a cosmic Christ, a universal Christ, a New Age Christ."[13] The Christ is not so much a religious figure, "but rather a cosmic principle, a spiritual presence whose quality infuses and appears in various ways in all the religions and philosophies that uplift humanity and seek unity with spirit."[14]

Spangler believes a central purpose of the Christ is to act as a "universal educator." He uses "educate" in the sense of the Latin root educare, which means "to lead out." Most often he speaks of the Christ "leading out" man's "inner divinity."[15] The "universal Presence that calls out of form and spirit the higher potentials of Divine life waiting to be released into expression, is the Christ."[16]

Like Steiner, Spangler believes the Christ entered the etheric earth at the crucifixion. By so doing, the Christ was able to reverse man's "downward trend" toward a physical-oriented consciousness. The Christ is thus an "occult savior."[17]

Spangler utilizes Christian terms to describe what the Christ accomplished through Jesus. For example, Spangler says that the Christ was occultly crucified (which resulted in placing his cosmic presence within the cross of matter, space, and time). The Christ was laid in a tomb (the tomb representing a level of life characterized by "great density" [i.e., the physical world], as opposed to the "low density" spiritual realm he was accustomed to). There he would stay until the resurrection (the outflowing of Christ-energies from the etheric earth) and ascension (the ascension of Christ-consciousness in humanity). Through this sacrifice, the cosmic Christ became a savior in that he no longer stood outside the evolution of the earth, but entered into that evolution by becoming incarnate into the earth.[18] There he would function as a guide of man's spiritual evolution.

Like Steiner, Spangler believes the Christ is now incarnating into humanity from the etheric realm. This is not unlike what occurred in Jesus 2,000 years ago, for Jesus "was the prototype or the expression of the reality of the Christ consciousness which is inherent in us all."[19] Spangler concludes that human beings can actually become "the Word made flesh." In fact, he says that the Word will eventually be made all flesh.[20]

Elizabeth Clare Prophet and her "I AM" Roots

While the Ballards' "I AM" movement has considerably declined since its heyday in the 1930s, another "I AM" movement has achieved high visibility and much popularity in New Age circles. This is the Church Universal and Triumphant, founded in 1958 by Mark Prophet and now headed by his widow, Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

Foundationally, certain aspects of the Prophets' theology can be traced directly to Theosophy. These beliefs include (1) Masters who guide man's spiritual evolution; (2) revelations to man from these Masters; (3) the Christ's use of Jesus' body; (4) human evolution through progressive stages; and (5) the belief that Blavatsky's revelations marked the beginning of the Aquarian Age.

Beyond these similarities, the Prophets derived most of their theology from the Ballards. This is seen not only in their emphasis on the I AM Presence, but also on the prominent role of Saint Germain.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet says the I AM Presence has become hopelessly distorted within man due to negative energies from within and without. These negative energies impede spiritual progress, but are effectively combated by the "Violet Consuming Flame" which is poured out on the world by Saint Germain. This Flame changes negative energy into positive energy. It is therefore an antidote to sin.

This makes Jesus' work on the cross unnecessary. In fact, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet dismiss the idea of Jesus' atonement on the cross as an "erroneous doctrine which he himself never taught."[21] Like the Ballards, the Prophets believe that Jesus attained Christhood as did other Ascended Masters. The "Christ" of "I AM" theology represents the divinity within all men: "God dwells in every man and not alone in His son Jesus the Christ. The only begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth, is the Christ whose Image the Lord has reproduced over and over again as the Christ-identity of every son and daughter who has come forth from the infinite Spirit of the Father-Mother God."[22] The Prophets conclude that "to become the Christ, then, is the goal of every child of God."[23]


Unquestionably, Theosophy and the groups that emerged from it are the source of many of the essential tenets of New Age Christology. But Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (who died in 1866) and the "metaphysical" groups his philosophy spawned also played a significant role.

Quimby espoused the metaphysical idea that the source of physical healing lies in the mind. He was convinced that physical diseases were caused by wrong thinking or false beliefs. These false beliefs are remedied by "the Christ."

Like other metaphysical writers, Quimby distinguished Jesus from the Christ. Quimby credited Jesus with discovering the "Truth" of how to correct the error of sickness. "Not that He as a man was any better," said Quimby, "but He was the embodiment of a higher Wisdom, more so than any man who has ever lived."[24] This "Truth" or "higher Wisdom" discovered by Jesus was an impersonal mind-principle Quimby called "the Christ." Quimby's metaphysical concept of the Christ spawned several important movements.

New Thought

New Thought developed slowly during the nineteenth century after Quimby's death in 1866. Quimby did not create an organization himself. But individuals he helped adopted his ideas and passed them on to others, adding to or modifying them along the way. Mary Baker Eddy's Christian Science is a major example of this, though this tradition is too exclusive to meld with today's New Age movement. However, several smaller, more inclusive metaphysical groups also emerged, and in the 1890s the term "New Thought" surfaced as a way of describing them.

The Christ of New Thought was an outgrowth of Quimby's metaphysics. The Christ was considered not a person but an impersonal Divine Nature or Principle. Jesus was believed to have embodied or appropriated the Christ-principle as no human had before. He had fully realized his Christ-nature. But Jesus was not a savior to mankind; he was merely a "way-shower." Salvation is based not on Jesus but on the recognition of the Divine Nature or Christ-principle within.

Unity School of Christianity

The Unity School of Christianity, an offshoot of New Thought, was founded by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore in 1891. They are distinguished from mainstream New Thought by their belief in reincarnation.

In Unity, salvation is attained by "at-one-ment" with God - a reuniting of human consciousness with God-consciousness. Jesus attained this; all men can: "The difference between Jesus and us is not one of inherent spiritual capacity, but in difference of demonstration of it. Jesus was potentially perfect, and He expressed that perfection; we are potentially perfect, [but] we have not yet expressed it."[25]

United Church of Religious Science

The United Church of Religious Science, another offshoot of New Thought, was founded by "Dr." Ernest Holmes who wrote The Science of Mind in 1926. This book later became the textbook for Religious Science. Holmes was extremely eclectic, attempting to syncretize the metaphysical ideas he sifted from New Thought with psychology, philosophy, and the various world religions.

His ideas about Jesus, the Christ, and mankind are similar to other New Thought groups: "Every man is a potential Christ. From the least to the greatest the same life runs through all, threading itself into the patterns of our individuality. He is 'over all, in all and through all.'"[26] Jesus was merely a way-shower who embodied the impersonal Christ.


The groups and individuals described above have all contributed to the emergence of a mystical and esoteric theological climate. This has paved the way for numerous other individuals and groups to hop on the New Age bandwagon and offer their own reinterpretations of the person and work of Christ. Two of the more notable developments are the following:

A Course in Miracles. According to this New Age textbook, the "Son of God" was created by God in a state of "wakefulness." Later, however, the Son fell asleep and had a dream of being separate from God. In the dream, the Son denied that he was created by God, asserting instead that he created himself. This usurping of God's role as Creator marked the beginning of ego, and led the Son to conceive of himself as being separate from God.

God then created and commissioned the Holy Spirit to awaken the Son. But the Son wrongly interpreted the coming of the Holy Spirit as judgment from God because the Son thought he was guilty of usurping God's role as Creator.

The Son's ego then fragmented into myriads of egos with physical bodies (i.e., human beings), each believing themselves separate from each other and from God. Humanity's basic problem then is its belief in being separate from God. The solution to the problem is a rediscovery of one's Christhood.[27] The Course sets out to help people attain this.

Matthew Fox and the Institute in Culture and Creation Spirituality. The mystical orientation of Matthew Fox, a Dominican priest, leads him to suggest that we abandon any further quest for the "historical Jesus" and refocus our attention on a quest for the cosmic Christ. He provides several definitions of the cosmic Christ, the most important being "the pattern that connects."[28] The Cosmic Christ connects "heaven and earth, past and future, divinity and humanity, all of creation."[29] This definition of Christ makes it possible for Fox to call for a "deep ecumenism," by which he means a genuine coming together of all persons of all religions at a mystical level.[30] Thus, through Fox a New Age view of Christ has made significant inroads into orthodox (mostly Catholic, but also some Protestant) circles.


In responding to New Age claims about Christ, it is best to focus on several key issues rather than attempting to debate every nuance of New Age thought. The following represents a starting point for an orthodox rebuttal of New Age Christology.

An esoteric system of interpreting the Bible is unreliable. The primary problem with this kind of system (which seeks hidden, inner meanings in Bible verses) is that it bypasses rationality in favor of mysticism. In such a system, there is no way to prove that a given interpretation is right or wrong since "proof" presupposes rationality and objectivity. James Sire comments that "there is no way to tell if the system that derives from esotericism is really so or merely a figment of the esotericist's imagination - or worse - a direct plant by the Father of Lies."[31] Incidentally, Jesus - whom New Agers claim to revere as a Master - clearly believed in a literal interpretation of Scripture (cf. Matt. 5:18).

Jesus was not a mere enlightened Master. The New Agers' rendition of Jesus as an "enlightened Master" in a class with Buddha, Zoroaster, and others is a radical distortion of the Jesus found in Scripture (which is to say, the Jesus of historical record rather than the Jesus of the mystical Akashic Records). The Jesus found in Scripture clearly believed and taught that He alone among men is God (John 8:58; 10:30; 14:9-10). Douglas Groothuis comments: "If Jesus thought he was uniquely God incarnate but he wasn't, he was far less than 'an enlightened master' - he didn't even know who he was! If he knew he was not uniquely God incarnate, but said he was, he was a flaming fraud, and in no sense was he an 'enlightened master.' Worse yet, he would have been a deceiver, leading a multitude astray."[32]

Jesus alone is the Christ. New Agers typically say "the Christ" came upon Jesus at His baptism and departed three years later at the cross. But even as a babe in Bethlehem - decades before His baptism - Jesus is called Immanuel, "God with us" (Matt. 1:23). When the angel announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds he identified Jesus this way: "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:11). Simeon, who was filled with the Holy Spirit, recognized the babe Jesus as Christ, in fulfillment of God's promise to him that "he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Christ" (Luke 2:26).

John's first epistle warns us: "Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist - he denies the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22). This doesn't mean that David Spangler, for example, is the Antichrist, but certainly Spangler (like other New Age teachers) is an antichrist.

The Incarnation is personal and permanent. Contrary to the typical New Age scenario (a three-year incarnation of an impersonal Christ in a human Jesus), Scripture asserts that Jesus Christ - personal and eternal God - became incarnate via the virgin birth, and this incarnation lasts forever.

Of course, the real miracle here is not the virgin birth, but the virgin conception. Mary is told: 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy offspring shall be called the Son of God' (Luke 1:35). This is when the Incarnation occurred.

Moreover, the Incarnation was not a temporary arrangement. After Christ resurrected He made numerous appearances, proving beyond any doubt the continuance of his human-divine union. Jesus ascended bodily into heaven after the resurrection (Luke 24; John 20:22-28; Acts 1:1-11; 7:56). When Christ returns in glory, He will sit on the throne as the Son of Man: "You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven" (Matt. 26:64).

Jesus is uniquely and exclusively man's only means of coming into a relationship with God. Jesus asserted: "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through me" (John 14:6). A bold Peter proclaimed that "there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). And recall that previous to the birth of Jesus, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph saying, "you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He [emphatic] who will save His people from their sins" (Matt. 1:21). Paul likewise affirms that "there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (1 Tim. 2:5).

Jesus Christ will come again in glory. In contrast with the New Age idea that the coming of Christ is contingent on man's ability to prepare the earth spiritually for this coming, Scripture says that Christ is coming as King of kings and Lord of lords, and man has power neither to invoke His coming nor to prevent it (Rev. 19:16). The phrase "King of kings and Lord of lords" emphasizes His supreme sovereignty and authority over mortal, weak man.

In conclusion, the true Christ is the Christ of the gospels. The many miraculous signs He performed attested to His supreme identity, not some divine potential we all possess: "These [miraculous signs] are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" (John 20:31).


1 H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1966), 168-89.

2 Annie Besant, Esoteric Christianity (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1953), 90-91.

3 Cited by Jan Karel Van Baalen, Chaos of the Cults (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1956), 52.

4 Rudolf Steiner, The Reappearance of the Christ in the Etheric (Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1983), 127-28.

5 Rudolf Steiner, Jesus and Christ (Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1976), 16-17.

6 Rudolf Steiner, The Four Sacrifices of Christ (Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1944), 19-20.

7 Alice A. Bailey, The Externalization of the Hierarchy (New York: Lucis Publishing Co., 1957), 222.

8 Ibid., 592.

9 Mrs. G. W. and Donald Ballard, Purpose of the Ascended Masters "I AM" Activity (Chicago: Saint Germain Press, 1942), 110.

10 Ibid., 35.

11 Benjamin Creme, The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom (North Hollywood, CA: Tara Center, 1980), 47.

12 Alice Bailey, The Reappearance of the Christ (New York: Lucis Publishing Co., 1979), 188.

13 David Spangler, Reflections on the Christ (Forres, Scotland: Findhorn Publications, 1981), 107.

14 David Spangler, Conversations with John (Middleton, WI: Lorian Press, 1983), 5.

15 David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age (Middleton, WI: Lorian Press, 1976), 117.

16 Ibid.

17 Ibid., 141.

18 Ibid., 121.

19 Spangler, Reflections on the Christ, 14-15.

20 Ibid., 86.

21 Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, Climb the Highest Mountain (Los Angeles: Summit University Press, 1974), 279-80.

22 Ibid., 228.

23 Ibid., 160.

24 Phineas P. Quimby, The Quimby Manuscripts, ed. Horatio W. Dresser (New Hyde Park, NY: University Books, 1961), 283.

25 Elizabeth Sand Turner, What Unity Teaches, Lee's Summit, MO: Unity School of Christianity, n.d., 3.

26 Ernest Holmes, What Religious Science Teaches (Los Angeles:
Science of Mind Publications, 1975), 20.

27 Dean C. Halverson, "A Course in Miracles: Seeing Yourself as Sinless," SCP Journal 7, 1 (1987):18-27.

28 Matthew Fox, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1988), 133-35.

29 Ibid., 134.

30 Ibid., 228.

31 James W. Sire, Scripture Twisting (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1980), 113.

32 Douglas Groothuis, Confronting the New Age (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1988), 121.

Glossary of Key Terms
Avatar. One who "descends" into human form from above, never having gone through reincarnation. Such a one is considered a manifestation of divinity and seeks to reveal divine truths especially important to a particular age.

Christology. The doctrinal study of the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Esoteric. A word used to describe knowledge that is possessed or understood only by a few.

Esoteric Christianity. A mystical interpretation of Christianity which sees its "core truth" as identical to that of every other religion (i.e., man is divine). This approach seeks hidden or inner meanings in Scripture.

Karma. Refers to the "debt" a soul accumulates as a result of good or bad actions committed during one's life (or past lives). If one accumulates good Karma, he or she will be reincarnated in a desirable state. If one accumulates bad Karma, he or she will be reincarnated in a less desirable state.

Mass Incarnation. An incarnation of the Christ in all humanity. Some say this incarnation is now taking place on a planetary scale, and is not unlike the incarnation of the cosmic Christ in the body of Jesus, 2000 years ago.

Medium. Traditionally, the word refers to an occultist through whom disembodied spirits communicate. New Agers use the word of Jesus acting as a bodily vehicle for the Christ.

Metaphysics. A branch of philosophy which focuses on the ultimate nature of reality. In New Age circles, the term has become synonymous with the "mind science" school of thought developed by P. P. Quimby (see article) and with New Age philosophy in general.

Monism. A metaphysical theory which sees all reality as a unified whole. Everything is seen as being composed of the same substance.

(An article from the Christian Research Journal, Summer 1989, page 9)

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Ten Commandments of Rebellion.

"The Workers in the Field of Religion...[are] to formulate the universal platform of the new world religion. It is a work of loving synthesis and it will emphasize the unity and the fellowship of the spirit....The platform of the new world religion will be built by the many groups, working under the inspiration of THE Christ..." Discipleship In The New Age, Vol 1, p 38, by Alice Bailey.

The New Age Movement

It's main goal is to destroy traditional Judeo Christianity and create a...
One world Religion based on a Luciferian system and doctrine.

Let us Explore the foundations of that which Governs this Nation and how the adversary and his plan to indoctrinate society into rebelling against God's Laws.

Alice A Bailey

 The leadership to further Lucifer’s plans (via Theosophy) was transferred to her. She became the president of the Theosophical Society. She is probably the most important in laying the foundation of the New Age Movement. One day she had a visitation of a spirit, that she thought was Christ at first but the spirit introduced himself as Djwal Khuhl – spirit from Tibetan. Master of Tibetan offered her great success if she could yield herself to be used in cheating the nations of the world and she made a deliberate decision to offer her life in service to Satan. She has so many writings on every sector of life. By the time she had finished her work in 1949 she had written 24 books, a total of 10,469 pages, most of which were allegedly written through her spirit guide, The Tibetan.

She had also established Lucis Trust Goodwill (to which is linked the leadership of the World Constitution and Parliament Association) under the name Lucifer Publishing Company which today boasts of a membership of more than 6000 people = Some of the world’s most renowned financial and political leaders have belonged to this organization


There are 4 pillars upon which the New Age Movement stands, the writings of the Tibetan through Alice Bailey reinforce all four



 Written before 1949 have permeated the culture of our day in this country as well as the rest of the world.


Alice Bailey said when you are changing a nation, don’t bother with the old people, they are too stuck in the old traditions, they will not change, but GO FOR THE CHILDREN and that is what she did. She said ‘go for the children especially 10 years and below’, since 1945 i.e. any person below 60 years can be a victim of the ideas and the deceptions of this prophetess of the New Age.

She then created this  10 POINT CHARTER that is placed in the House of Lords – House of Commons in the U.K. ;

Today our governments and many politicians are implementing the strategy.

THE STRATEGY:- THE 10 POINT CHARTER (As Laid out by Alice Bailey destroy christianity eg. God's Laws)


Alice Bailey  "Change curriculum to ensure that children are freed from the bondage of Christian culture. Why? Because children go to school to be equipped to face life, they are willing to trust and they are willing to value what is being given to them.
If you take God out of education, they will unconsciously form a resolve that God is not necessary to face life. They will focus on those things the school counts them worthy to be passed on and they will look at God as an additional, if one can afford the additional."
N.B. Today they introduce Transcendental Meditation (TM) in schools which takes children to altered states of consciousness to meet with demons (spirit guides) = New Age


Alice Bailey " Break the communication between parent and child (Why?). So that parents do not pass on their Christian traditions to their children, liberate children from the bondage of their parent traditions (how?)

a)Promote excessive child rights; (1997-1998 South Africa introduced Child rights legislation – UNICEF Charter; Today a child is able to say to parent "I do not want to hear that, I don’t want to do what you are telling me." Teachers cannot talk to children, children step up and say "I have my rights, you cannot talk to me like that".
b)Abolish corporal punishment; (this has been made law). On the other hand the Bible says ‘Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. You shall beat him with a rod and deliver his soul from hell.’ (Proverbs 23: 13-14)

c)Teachers are the agents of implementation – from workshops, teachers tell children "your parent has no right to force you to pray or read the Bible, you are yourself, have a right of your own, you need to discover yourself, self expression, self realization, self fulfillment are all buzz words."

In the West when the child is 7 yrs, the teachers begin to say to the child ‘you have a right to choose whether you want to follow the faith of your parents or not, parents are not allowed to enforce their faith upon you.’ Question is, what type of decision can a 7 year old make?


It is oppressive and that the family is the core of the nation. If you break the family, you break the nation. Liberate the people from the confines of this structure (How?)

a)Promote sexual promiscuity – Free young people to the concept of premarital sex, let them have free sex, lift it so high that the joy of enjoying it(sex) is the highest joy in life, fantasize it, that everybody will feel proud to be seen to be sexually active, even those outside of marriage.

This is contrary to the word of God which says “… But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints… for this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.” (Ephesians 5: 3-5)

b)Use advertising industry, media – T.V., magazines, film industry to promote sexual enjoyment as the highest pleasure in humanity.


She said; Build clinics for abortion – Health clinics in schools. If people are going to enjoy the joy of sexual relationships, they need to be free of unnecessary fears, in other words they should not be hampered with unwanted pregnancies.
‘Abortion as told by Christians is oppressive and denies our rights, we have a right to choose whether we want to have a child or not. If a woman does not want the pregnancy, she should have the freedom to get rid of that pregnancy painless and as easy as possible’.

Today it is not only accessible, it is forced. Today abortion is a strategy to curb population control together with the use of condoms and ‘pill’.


Alice wrote 50 years ago that love has got a mysterious link called the love bond. It is like an ovum that comes out of the ovary, as it travels through your system, it clicks a love favor in you and there’s one other person in the world who can respond to that love bond, when you see that person, everything within you clicks, that is your man/woman, if you miss him, you’ll never be happy until that love bond cycles past, for many years, so for you to be happy get that person at whatever cost, if it means getting him/her out of that marriage, get him/her that is your man/woman.don’t be held in bondage by the Christian values it will never come back, what you need is an easily arranged divorce and allow another love bond to come forth, just like an ovum comes up, and when it comes forth you’ll enjoy life again.

On the contrary God’s word says in Malachi 2: 16; “For the Lord God of Israel says that He hates divorce…”

It is one thing for a marriage to fail but it is another thing for people to enter marriage with an intention to enjoy as long as it was enjoyable and to walk out of it.


Alice Bailey preached (50 yrs ago) that sexual enjoyment is the highest pleasure in humanity, no one must be denied and no one must be restricted how to enjoy themselves. People should be allowed in which ever way they chose they want, whether it is homosexuality or in incest or bestiality, as long as the two agree.
A law was passed in our nation, South Africa. Parliament has passed it on 26/01/2000 and the President gave it his signature on 4/02/2000 – giving so much freedom to gay rights, that a time will come when it is illegal for a preacher to mention homosexuality as an abomination in the eyes of God, or to read scriptures publicly that talk about homosexuality.

According to the Bible, this is an abomination before the eyes of God
(Leviticus 18:22; 20:13)


How? Promote new forms of art which will corrupt and defile the imagination of people because art is the language of the spirit, that which is inside, you can bring out in painting, music, drama etc. Look at the quality of the music that is coming out and types of films out of Hollywood even comedy episodes promote a lot of immoral behavior, children shows, list goes on.


Alice Bailey said the greatest channel you need to use to change human attitude is media. Use the press, the radio, T.V, cinema. You can tell today how successful they have been in implementing the plan over 50 years via media as well as advertising agencies, billboards, magazines. Who controls media? (New Age/Luciferians); So much money is pumped into media and advertising to spread pornographic material and other sources. Sex outside of marriage is thrown in your face 80-90 times a day than sex in marriage. Promiscuity is being promoted as natural, you watch gay sex on T.V. Conditioned people to except their New Age Agendas.


Alice Bailey wrote; Promote other faiths to be at par with Christianity, and break this thing about Christianity as being the only way to heaven, by that Christianity will be pulled down and other faiths promoted. She said promote the importance of man in determining his own future and destiny – HUMANISM. She said tell man he has the right to choose what he wants to be and he can make it happen, he has the right to determine his cause – This takes God off His throne. We have seen in our nation. Even in South Africa where a meeting was hosted of the Interfaith Movement in Cape Town led by Dalai Lama.


Alice Bailey wrote that the church must change its doctrine and accommodate the people by accepting these things and put them into its structures and systems.

Have they succeeded?

Today you wonder why our governments are legislating laws contrary to the Bible and why the church is compromising the Word of God. It is a process of implementing The Plan - A 50 year strategy of the New Age Movement to fulfill its ultimate goal to establish a One World Government, a One World Economic system and a One World Religion. Today the strategy almost in its entirety has been adopted by the United Nations and today a lot of it is already law in many nations. This deception has crept up unobserved on so many people.

The Deception doesnt end here.I encourage you to view this short series on how Satanism is being promoted in music/media furthering the rebellion against God in the disguise as "Do what you feel" Based on Aleister Crowley the beast 666 (mentioned in many of my blogs)

Genesis 3

vs 1:And the serpent said unto the woman "yeah hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the Garden?" vs2: And the woman said unto the serpent "We may eat of the fruit of the tree of the garden" vs3: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.vs4 And the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die; For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then YOUR EYES SHALL BE OPENED, AND YE SHALL BE AS GODS KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL.

Note: The Devil urged Eve to DISOBEY God which will result in her eyes being OPENED.
The Devil was declaring that those who obey God's commandments (christians)
have their eyes closed ( living in ignorance).

His tactic is to convince us that we have the right, the ability, and the power within us to become like God. Lucifer knows very well that this is no more possible for us than it was for him. Still the lie continues, and down through the ages man has continued to accept that deception in one form or another.


Bailey, Alice (1922), Initiation, human and solar, Lucifer Pub. Co., OCLC 1882542
The Lucis Trust is the official publisher of Alice Bailey's books.
